Monday, June 29, 2009

Why my wife is incredible!

As a wargamer I, like many of my wargaming brethren, have many ahhh umm unique qualities. Like the 57 boxes of Historical Books that I had to move, or the boxes of figures. The person who has to deal the most with these idiosyncrasies is my wife. I can’t tell you the number of times she has asked a question and was left shaking her head in either amusement or befuddlement There are times I am not sure I can tell those two sentiments apart when it comes to my gaming.
I have explained in the past it is either gaming or drinking in the bar with friends and I let her choose which choice. Having seen way too many of our friends marriages fall apart, gaming doesn't seem so bad.

After moving into our new Townhouse last week my wife asked me a simple question. “Now that you are going to host a game or two, on what are you going to playing on?”

When I tried explaining tabletops I got the amused look. Her response was simple. Unless your tabletops are going to magically float 30 inches off the ground; Menards has Folding Tables on sale go by a couple.

And that my friends is just one of the truly many reasons why I love my wife.
While I only picked up two tables, another two tables will have to wait for another time.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Swedish Army for the Seven Years War

Over the weekend I spent some time thinking about how I was going to configure the Swedish Army for the period around Seven Years War. Here is what I am thinking.

Left Wing (Light Division) – Maj General Sprengtporten
Volunteer Light Cavalry Regiment (600 Cuirassier from the 6 Swedish Ryttare Regiments)
Jamtland Ryttare Regiment (Dismounted)
French Fribataljon (I did not make that one up)
Jager Corps
Bluhussaren Regiment

Left Wing Front Line
Spens Varvade Regiment
Upplands Indelta Regiment

Left Wing Second Line
AboLans Indelta Regiment
Nylands Indelta Regiment

Left Wing Cavalry
Bohuslands Dragooner Regiment
Nylands Dragooner Regiment

Center Front Rank
Kungl Livgardet Regiment
Posse Vavarde Regiment

Kungl Livregiment
Lowenfels Vavarde Regiment

Center Second Rank
Sodermanlands Indelta Regiment
Dalarnas Indelta Regiment (1 Battalion)
Narke Varmlands Regiment (1 Battalion)

Ostgota Indelta Regiment
Halsinge Indelta Regiment

Center Cavalry
Adelsfanor Regiment
Vastagota Regiment

Smalands Regiment
Ostragota Regiment
Norraskanska Reiment
Sodraskanska Regiment

Right Wing
Vastgota Dals

Right Wing Cavalry
Livregiment Dragooners
Karelska Dragooners

Right Wing Light Division
Bohnen Fribataljon
Gul Hussars
French Frikorps Cavalry

For such a small project I am amazed at the number of figures I will need, actually the number of horse is what I find staggering.