I finished the first division of the Royal Suédois Infanterie (Royal Swedish Infantry Regiment) of 12 figures. I had one figure completed before Friday, I did three figures Friday night and eight figures on Saturday.
I have been working on a variety of painting techniques using different color primer and seeing what effects work and don't work. This weekend I think pretty much everything worked, except for the white primer.
I finished up both divisions of the Béarn Infanterie (Bearn Infantry Regiment) by completing seven figures and the Languedoc Infanterie (Languedoc Infantry Regiment) by completing four figures. Both of those Battalions have two divisions of 12 figures.
I also got a started on the Royal Roussillon Infanterie (Royal Roussillion Infantry Regiment) by getting the remaining 12 figures primed, and finishing the first division of 12 figures and a very good start on the second division.
In addition I spent some time finishing up movement trays and getting some bases flocked.
While not completed this "Battalion" of Compagnies Franches de la Marine has 1 division of Marines and a second division of Canadian Militia. The bases have all be covered in medium ballast and will get some green flock in the next night or so as I also have to give the Color Guard their standards.
A close up of a random Royal Suédois Infanterie figure. Not sure this is the best example of the painting techniques I am using currently.
In the end I also started working on the list of things to do before our first game of the Wars of the Jumbo Alliances. The Wars of the Jumbled Alliances are our 15mm Koenig Krieg game, so bigger figures Jumbo sized.. Okay what ever it works for me.
I also sent out the invitations to the game.
Esteemed Gentlemen.