Sunday, February 3, 2013

Projects for 2013

Clan War is the miniatures game for Legend of the Five Rings, it has been out of print for a decade, however I like the basis of the rules and the story line.   I have decided to lead a revival of the rules with in the yahoo group, and after some gnashing of teeth I made the decision to create an updated version of the rules called the Ronin Edition.     Hopefully about mid summer the freely available version of the rules will be ready.

Batailles de l'Ancien Régime, the decision was made a year ago to move away from Wilderness Wars, a fatal flaw in the rules and well the second edition is not to my liking, is something I really want to finish up.  I will post something on this separately.

I have learned that a new Codex for the Black Templars is in the works for Warhammer 40K, it won't be available until 2014 but I have a few BT Space marines that need to be finish painting.  In addition I need to work on Gunther's Tau, some day I will understand why he choose the Cow's but it is what it is.

Brother Against Brother, well I am not 100 percent sold on Brother Against Brother but I have been painting figures for the Skirmishes that lead up First Battle of Bull Run and those immediately following.  IE all those wacky uniforms in the first year of the American Civil War.    Currently I have about 80 figures a side painted, give or take a couple.   I need to paint 20 Confederate Troops (Louisiana Tigers) and some Union Artillery to add to Burnside's Command.  After that I really have to decide upon the rules.   Brother Against Brother misses some complexity and is very bloody while I am not sold on the rules I have yet to find anything better.

I have some other things I want to finish up on, Noel's Bavarian Cavalry, Jim's Reich's Armee and maybe a few more Swedes for the SYW in 15mm.

Batailles de l'Ancien Régime - Seven Years War in 25mm

One of a few projects I am working on for 2013 is Batailles de l'Ancien Régime (AKA BAR) for the Seven Years War (1756 - 1763) in both Europe and North America.  You can find the link to the rules here:

Originally I was planning on using Wilderness Wars for the French and Indian Wars; however a fatal flaw in the rules (and very questionable changes for a second edition) lead me to look at other options.   Thus a hard decision to use BAR was made.   I may be tempted to use Drums of War Along the Mohawk for the French and Indian War, but I am not sure I really gain anything with the additional complexity.   

With the decision made a year ago I had to reorganize my figures and yes it will take some additional figures to fill in.

For my French Forces I have 3 Battalions of French Line Infantry, 2 Battalions of Colonial Compagnies Franches de la Marine, 2 units of Canadian Militia, 2 units of Piquets (Light Infantry), a contingent of Woodland Indians, 2 Light Artillery Pieces with 8 Gunners, a mounted officer, and a number of figures to fill in the ranks.

For the British Forces I have 2 Battalions of British Line Infantry, 1 Highland Infantry Regiment, 1 Highland provincial infantry company, 3 companies of grenadiers, 1 Provincial Infantry Regiment, 3 companies of Rangers, and 2 Light Artillery Pieces with 8 Gunners, and a mounted officer.

In addition I have 2 regiments of Saxon Infantry in French service, 1 regiment of Swedish Infantry, and 1 company of  Swedish Jaegers.

Of those units I am at 52% completed painting, and virtually all those figures are primed and many have the basic block colors on them.  

I also have a metric long ton of unpainted figures.   Many of which have been bagged for units, but I want to get what I have primed painted.