Thursday, October 9, 2008

ACW Figures

Just what I need more 25mm ACW figures.

Last night while visiting the Source Comics and Games I ran into one of the Partners, Bob Bryndilson, and after chatting on a couple of subjects we talked about certain lines of figures on the wall including the Old Glory 25mm ACW figures which depending on the story from Joel and Russ are being phased out or only made available via special order. Anyways as Bob and I talked I made an offer to buy all the remaining bags at his usual discounted price, and he agreed.

So in the next few days Bob or his staff will be taking them down, bagging them up and shooting me a final price.

After that they will go into the box (or maybe I need another box) of other unpainted 25mm ACW figures until I work out a plan.

So I guess I now really have to by some artillerists and mounted command figures....

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